Trademark Filing

With super-experienced trademark attorneys with many years of experience each, we offer expert comprehensive research analysis and consultations of our extensive Trademark and Common Law research reports, drawn from over many databases – just like the USPTO, CIPO and the EQUIPO recommend – before filing any trademark. Our trademark attorneys will determine IF any conflict or similarity finding is close enough to affect your legal use, not just for your application filing, but also for over the next 6 years as companies have right to oppose your new trademark filing. Our process works. We have not had a likelihood of confusion refusal Worldwide. Our deep goods and services descriptions will maximize your trademark’s coverage – the first filing. We make sure your trademark will last. Live The Dream, Not The Nightmare!

Let’s Create Something Together!

Sticking to core values of giving the best quality, reduced timelines, customer centric approach, 24×7 availability and giving the best value for customer’s money made IMMUNIS IP a unique Patent service provider for the customers.